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Turn inspiration into action!

Updated: Apr 27, 2018

I saw this idea on Oprah Winfrey Show episode when we first moved to the States. 

I had always just written down my goals for each year into categories.  Physical, spiritual, emotional financial, things I've never done before etc.  I'm also very visual so the idea really appealed to me.  I started my first vision goal board and put things on it that I really wanted to achieve at that time.  Run my first marathon, a bungalow house in Hyde Park, a bicycle with a basket on the front (like Europe lol) a Smart car, which was not available in the US at the time. Places to travel to etc.  By the time we moved into our bungalow in South Tampa, I realized that I achieved every single thing on that board. 

I so which I had kept a copy of it!

I started the next one that I still have today.  (This is mine) Some of the goals are really long term - like owning the property in Antibes, French Riviera, while others are easily achievable, like skydiving..  

Why I think they are successful...

It is a really positive, fun specific way to detail what YOU want out of life.  So many of us don't even to stop to think what it is they want to achieve and just end up plodding along through a somewhat "bankrupt" life.  We only have one life to live - one shot - and I want to accomplish as much as I can with the time I have on this earth.  The Dali Lama said – The problem is we THINK we have time" Do it now is another of my mantras - why wait, Why postpone? If you can, just take one step towards that goal whenever you look at that board.

I intend to leave this earth with no"THING" to show for our money – we've given to our girls while we are still with them and to others as much as we can and will continue to do so.  It may not be for everyone, but it works for me.  The feeling of crossing things of that list is so rewarding. There's nothing magical in it, it just works! You have nothing to lose - use your imagination, have fun too and make yours today! :-)

How To Make A Vision Board That Actually Works

  1. Decide your intentions

  2. Gather your supplies

  3. Create a quiet work space

  4. Find your images and words etc

  5. Paste them to the cardboard or page

  6. Put your vision board somewhere that you can see it every day (important!)

  7. Take one step toward something on that list right away

  8. Notice resistance and proceed anyway!

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Hello, I'm Shona.


We took a leap of faith (I gave up my lucrative Personal Training business and home) to follow our hearts and live on a motor yacht!

Come along with me and learn how to LIVE an uncluttered, fulfilled, life in gratitude.  Read more here

My motto...Appreciate everything Postpone nothing! :-)


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